Saturday, July 29, 2023

Happy Birthday Mamaw Martha 2023

Hey Friends,

This is Odie coming to you for another Saturday post. I hope you are doing well. We have been loving this tour of the northeast this time around! It is not over yet, and I am looking forward to the adventures ahead.

Can you believe we have reached the end of July? 2023 is zooming by, and it seems every day goes by in a blur. How in the world is it time for August already? Ready or not, August is knocking on our doors.

July has been a busy birthday month for many family members and friends. Every day or two, there has been another birthday or multiple birthdays to remember. I always try to call or text my family and friends. I like to celebrate their special day, even for a moment.

They are way too many birthdays for me to name them all here or post photos of those people. I will say Happy Birthday to the people celebrating in July. I hope you had a fantastic birthday and a blessed year ahead! We are thankful to have each of you as part of our lives!

Tomorrow is an extra special birthday in the Boggs family! This person deserves an extra shout-out today.

79 years ago, Bessie and Godfrey Isaacs welcomed their 16th child into the world. Martha Emma Isaacs was born on that very special day; she was the final girl in their family. One thing about it her birth had a significant impact on our lives!

Martha grew up to be a fine young lady and a beautiful woman. She is still beautiful today!

60 years ago, she caught the eye of Eugene Boggs. Soon they fell in love, married, and their family grew from there.

Today Mamaw, Martha Boggs, is the matriarch of our family. She is sweet, caring, loyal, and loving. We can not imagine life without her. Mamaw is always there to love on her family, pray for us and encourage us.

Happy Birthday, Mamaw! We love you to the moon and back! May this year be your best year to date! Thank you for being so wonderful!

Aunt Theresa recently sent the family this photo below of Mamaw and Papaw. I thought it was too good not to share in this birthday post. Theresa, thanks for the picture!

Many of you helped us pray earlier this year for Mamaw! Thank you so much for those prayers! Each and every one is very much appreciated. She has recovered exceptionally well from her fall. We thank God for helping her tremendously!

Please keep praying for both of my grandparents. I would love to see God heal them of several afflictions! I know nothing is too hard for our God, and He can give them new strength!

Thanks for stopping by to spend a portion of your time with me. See you next Saturday. 