Monday, August 28, 2023

The Weekend Dispatch

Odie caught a ride home from Dryden Rd. Friday night after church, but we were parked there in the bus and spent the night. Saturday morning, I emptied the holding tanks, disconnected the utilities cranked the big Detroit Series 60 and hit the road.

We pulled into the Lazy OD Ranch a few minutes after 11, completing a very small circle of under 50 miles to Dryden Rd. and back. Thankfully, some days are easy.

KJo tackled the yard as we prepared for a whirlwind of activity the next few days. Saturday evening my parents took KJo and I to Outback and we enjoyed the food and fellowship tremendously. Odie was gone on an outing with friends but we all visited for a while later.

Sunday we drove to Bond, Kentucky to be in church with Pastor Kevin Lloyd and the Bond Holiness Church . We have a long history with the Bond church and we were so excited to be there with them.

The service was wonderful as we expected and Odie has some pictures for you now.

We drove home Sunday night and we were glad to see the lights of home come into view. Hallelujah!

That pretty much wraps up our weekend. Thank you for joining us.
