Wednesday, August 30, 2023

A Word For Wednesday, Eight Commonalities In Every Man That God Uses

So glad you joined us today. It is time again for A Word For Wednesday. A few moments ago I posted A Word for Wednesday on our YouTube Channel. Please give it a listen and leave us a comment here or on YouTube.

In mid-July I posted A Word For Wednesday with excerpts from a book by Oswald J. Smith called The Man God Uses. He prayed on his 38th birthday and asked the Lord to make him and man after God's heart. That prayer changed his life and I believe it will change our lives too.

The second chapter is the title chapter. In that chapter, he discusses eight essential things that every man that God uses all have in common. It is good stuff. 
1. The man that God uses is the man that has but one great purpose in life. 
2. The man that God uses is the man that has removed every hindrance from his life. 
3. The man that God uses is the man who has placed himself fully at God's disposal. 
4. The man that God uses is the man who has learned to prevail in prayer. 
5. The man that God uses is the man who is a student of God's Word. 
6. The man that God uses is the man who is the man that has a vital living message for the lost world. 
7. The man that God uses is the man of faith that expects results.
8. The man that God uses is the man that works in the anointing of the Holy Ghost

Thank you for stopping in.