Monday, September 4, 2023

The Weekend Dispatch

Let me start The Weekend Dispatch with great news. Friday, I spent a couple hours with Bro. Shobanke at his son's house in Dayton and a few hours later he boarded a plane with Emanuel his son for Atlanta. They connected on the overnight flight to Lagos and on Saturday morning they arrived home.

Eleven days before, Bro. Shobanke was unresponsive in the hospital on a ventilator. Even seven days earlier, it looked absolutely impossible for him to fly home in the next month. Yet, by the grace of God Bro. Shobanke is home with his family where he wants to be. Praise God for a miracle.

He still has a long way to go toward recovery. He can not walk and he can not fully use his arms, but Friday when I visited him I was thrilled to find him alert and communicating well. Hallelujah!

I may have more to say about Nigeria later in the week.

The rest of Friday was spent working on the Lazy OD Ranch.

Saturday we drove about an hour to the funeral of a first cousin Joy Livingston Cooper. Joy was only 65 years old and left behind a good number of kids, grandkids and greats along with her husband. I am glad we were close enough to attend the funeral.

KJo and Odie went to eat with Kelly's parents on Saturday evening.

Saturday night Pastor Wade Hicks asked us to preach at West Harrison Pentecostal Church in West Harrison, Indiana Sunday. We were super glad to do it. We love Bro. Hicks and we love his folks.

Funny story. I was looking at my calendar to see the last time we preached at West Harrison. I found we preached a Christmas service in December, Memorial Day weekend and now Labor Day weekend. I am beginning to see a holiday pattern. If Bro. Hicks invites us to preach Halloween, I will know I am on to something.😁

After a great service, we enjoyed a wonderful Labor Day picnic under the shelter next to the church. We had good food and wonderful fellowship with friends. It was a terrific day.

That wraps up The Weekend Dispatch. Thank you for joining us today.
