Tuesday, September 5, 2023

More News On Nigeria

More news on Nigeria
Unfortunately, we missed our scheduled trip to Nigeria in 2020. The world took a turn upside down and we were not able to go in November/December 2020.

By early fall 2021, I had only been back on the road a few weeks after being sick with COVID-19. I was still using supplemental Oxygen and could not handle the long trip so we set our sights on late 2022 for our Nigeria trip.

2022 did not work because of Nigerian Visa problems. It is best to apply for our Nigerian Visa about 90 days before the trip so in July of 2022, I began to check on the Visas. I found that the Nigerian Consulate had temporarily stopped Visas for US citizens and would begin shortly.

By October they had gone through about four different reasons why they could not process Visas, but they were still not issuing them. I have to send my actual passport with the application and I needed my passport for travel in November so we finally called off the trip.

We were all disappointed, but there was nothing to be done. We shifted to planning for 2023. That has been the strategy all year.

With Bro. Shobanke in the US, sick and unable to travel home, we did not know if we should proceed or not. I told you yesterday that he was able to travel home and we are praising God.

As I visited with him the day he left, he plainly told me that he wanted us to come to Nigeria this year. He made me assure him that even if he passed away tomorrow I would do my best to go to his people in Nigeria.

I promised him that if we can obtain Visas and his people will allow us to come, we will certainly do our best to keep our commitment to him.

So, by God's grace and help, KJo and I plan to leave for Nigeria, West Africa in the last few days of November for about two weeks. If all goes as planned we will preach to all of Christ Ambassadors churches on the first Sunday along with a Minister's Conference and an outdoor Gospel Crusade while we are there.

We are now beginning the tedious process of the Nigerian Visa application. It has always been incredibly complicated and also expensive in the past. I will let you know if anything has changed.😊

KJo and I are concerned about my ability to make the trip physically as well so we would appreciate if you would speak to God for us. Would you pray for us through the whole process beginning now? Thank you very much.

AND thank you for joining us for a few hours today.
