Friday, September 8, 2023

Tent Revival Coming Up

Early this year when I was pretty sick, I knew I needed to work smarter not harder in 2023 IF I was going to make it through the year in one piece AND finish on the right side of the ground.

One of the things we did was cancel the next four revivals beginning the last Sunday in January. I hated to do it, but all of the Pastors were very understanding and the four weeks with no preaching and no singing went a long way toward getting me back on my feet.

We did go to church 3-5 times each week, enjoying services and being fed by various Pastors. That was a big boost to us as well.

The second decision was to cancel almost all of our scheduled tent revivals for the year. I really hated to do that, but I knew in my heart it was the best decision.

We kept the three day tent revival in Vermont. They set up their own tent, it is not super hot weather and it is only three services. We handled that fine although I did get a glimpse of what it was going to feel like to handle our sound equipment each night.

The final tent revival of the year and the only one using our tent is coming up September 17-22 in Richton, Mississippi. I kept that one on the schedule for a few reasons.

1. It was late in the year and gave me the most time to be in better form physically.
2.  We have set our tent up there multiple times and the Richton folks know the routine and how best to help.
3.  Pastor Scott Morris has the same vision for tent revival as me and I do not have to carry that weight.

Bro. Morris has checked several times to make sure I am up for tent revival and I appreciate his kindness and thoughtfulness. However, I want to try and I believe we are ready. 

By God's grace, the tent will go up in the air on Saturday, September 16 and we are excited. Please pray for our strength and for the power of God to touch lives in Richton, Mississippi.

You are welcome to come be with us too! Bro. Jimmie Radcliffe is hoping to be able to come and that would be an awesome bonus.

Thank you for reading, dear friends.
