Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The Weekend Dispatch 9/12/23

The Weekend Dispatch was pushed back by yesterday's September 11 post. Here it is now.

First, Odie had some pictures left over from our few days at home.

To properly describe the weekend, we need to go back into last week as we prepared to leave the Lazy OD Ranch. The night before we left, we turned the bus around and hooked up the Jeep so that we could make our escape as quickly and painlessly as possible in the morning.

Our first day was a long one. We drove through Cincinnati, Louisville and Nashville for a total of 408 miles. We spent the night at a small roadside campground at Athens, Alabama.

The second day included a fuel stop and we ended at Thomasville, Alabama. We spent the evening with my niece Deidre and her family. It was delightful.

They helped me get settled in at their church and wash the love bugs off of the bus.

Sunday rolled around and we sang and preached for them in their temporary location. It was a great service.

Pastor Ben Shoemaker

That wraps up a busy weekend. This week we are attending a meeting that we have wanted to attend for a long time. It is a small outdoor meeting out in the country. The Pastor is Bro. Eddie Stringfellow and we have preached for him a couple of times. Pastor Kenny Morris is preaching the meeting.

Friday we will move over to Richton, Mississippi and prepare for the only time our tent is going up this year. We are looking forward to that. Thank you for dropping in.
