Friday, September 15, 2023

Camp Meeting In Pictures-Alabama

In the late 80s, all through the 90s and the early 2000s, we attended a lot of camp meetings and fellowship meetings across the country. Every chance we could find, we were off again meeting new people and going new places. Our family enjoyed wonderful adventures in all of those meetings and we are better people because of it.

I was not preaching at those meetings and we were not singing at those meetings in the early years. We just slipped into the pews, worshiped, heard the preaching, enjoyed the fellowship and went home blessed.

After several years, some Pastors would invite us up to sing during the camp meeting services and the Lord helped us on those occasions. In time, we sang more and Kelly Jo was asked to play the piano more and more in the meetings.

But all of that came later. For the first several years we attended meetings completely anonymously and enjoyed every moment of it.

The last several years we have attended fewer meetings because we were busy preaching meetings, revivals and tent revivals. We usually attend Allentown in March and our home meeting in Dayton in August and that is about it.

This year we made plans to attend a big portion of the camp meeting at the end of the road with Pastor Eddie Stringfellow and we have enjoyed every moment of it. Bro. and Sis. Stringfellow and their people have been so kind to us. Our friend, Pastor Kenny Morris is the main speaker and we have loved that too.

This week has been a welcomed stop and we hope to return to this meeting at some point in the future. Even though we are singing in the services and singing during the altar, it has been restful and a blessing to us.

I hope you enjoy the camp meeting in pictures. Thank you for stopping in.
