Saturday, September 16, 2023

Odie's Creation Museum Visit 2023

Hey Friends,

This is Odie coming to you on this fine Saturday. I hope you are having a great day. I am doing well. 

I am here to tell you about a fun Saturday I had a few weeks ago. My friend Emily Burris Roberts invited me to join her and our friend Amber Webster on a visit to the Creation Museum! We loaded up that morning, ready for a fun outing.

Emily and I had both visited the museum years ago when it first opened. Amber was visiting Ohio from California. She had never been to the Creation Museum. Here are some of our pictures from our time together.

This is the building you see from the parking lot. It was a nice welcome center. The museum is about a five minute walk or roll on my part, down a nice paved path. The surroundings were beautiful.

Here is a look at the scenery between the welcome center and the museum.

The museum entrance.

I love my dear friend Emily. It was great to spend some time with her! We enjoyed discussing everything that we were seeing and reading!

The Creation Museum is a phenomenal experience. It really reminds you how awesome our God is! Creation is not just a Bible story or something I read in a textbook. Our God created the world in six days. The facts genuinely boggled my mind and left me in wonder of my God!

A must for me upon visiting the museum in a visit to the planetarium! It does cost an extra, but it is worth every penny. Sadly, no photos or videos are allowed during the 23 minute presentation. I tried hard to soak up all the facts that were told to us. All I could say at the end was WOW! God is real, and His handwork is astounding! Yet, He still cares about me!

"The Creation Museum is built around seven pivotal events from the beginning  of time to the end." Throughout the main part of the museum, you can see the seven C's in God's Eternal Plan on display.
Click on this picture below to expand the graphic detailing each of the seven C's.

Each of the seven C's had a display to represent its meaning.
1. Creation
2. Corruption
3. Catastrophe 
4. Confusion
5. Christ
6. Cross
7. Consummation

Below are pictures of just a handful of the things that caught my eye during our tour of each exhibit.

I neglected to take pictures in one of my favorite parts of the museum. I was too busy looking at the details. They have a whole section titled You Are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made. This tells the story of the value of every life! From conception until birth, each baby is a miracle that God creates!

A gentleman had a Python on display for a little while. This snake is used in an animal show, but we did not see it that afternoon. Emily and I saw the man holding the snake. Neither of us was interested in getting any closer to the snake. I only like snakes behind glass. Emily is not a fan of snakes.

Amber stopped to see the snake closer. Emily and I went to the baby exhibit. A few minutes later, Amber told us we missed her holding the Python.

We were surprised! She honestly could not believe that she had agreed to hold the snake. Amber said her legs were shaking the whole time. Thankfully, a nice lady captured this photo for Amber.

We also had some more friends at the Creation Museum that day. They went through the museum at their own pace. We met up with them a few times.

Luke and Connor

The Girls

The Group- Luke, Connor, Amber, Odie, Emily and Gunner.
Luke is from Arizona. Connor and Amber are from California, and the rest of us are from Ohio. Another friend, Tanner, from Kentucky, was with us too. He had to leave early for work purposes. He missed the pictures.

The Guys

After completing all the indoor parts we wanted to explore, we went outside to enjoy the gardens! The weather was beautiful! It felt so good to be enjoying the outdoors. Eden's Garden is truly amazing. It felt like a piece of paradise!

Below is just a sampling of pictures of the Garden. Photos can not do it justice.

After a fun time at the museum, we were ready for lunch. We wanted to take Amber to something she could not get in California. She told us she was game for anything. Emily and I both love Skyline Chilli.

It was Skyline time! Amber really enjoyed her food. I was happy to introduce my friend to an Ohio favorite. 

Soon, we on the road headed home after a full day of excitement! Thanks to Emily and Amber for allowing me to tag along with you! I really enjoyed our time together.

It was a day of first for Amber: first time at my house, first time in Kentucky, first time at the Creation Museum, first time to hold a Python and first time to eat at Skyline. Hopefully, it will be a day of great memories for her! It was fun for me to experience these things with her.
I am glad that I was able to see the Creation Museum again! I highly recommend this attraction if you are ever in the area. The Creation Museum is located in Petersburg, Kentucky. 

Click here to visit the Creation Museum website. In August 2023,  at the time of my visit, parking was $15 per car, the admission price was $49.50 for an adult, and the planetarium ticket was $10.

Thanks for stopping by for a visit! I hope you have a fabulous weekend.