Monday, November 20, 2023

The Weekend Dispatch 11/20/23

Our weekend began with a morning of travel, finishing the trip to Junction Hill Pentecostal Church near West Plains, Missouri. By 11:30 AM we were parked, hooked up and loading in sound equipment. Bro. and Sis. Galiher helped us load in and soon we were getting soundcheck and getting ready for the first service Friday.

We had a full weekend of great revival services and we enjoyed every moment. We love these folks and we love singing and preaching here. They have wonderful singers at Junction Hill and Bro. Galiher is a tremendous preacher, yet they are so gracious in embracing our singing and preaching.

Texe Boggs flew his plane from La Russel to be in revival with us Friday night. That was cool! It has been quite a while since we had seen Texe and we were meeting Charlie and Liberty for the first time.

We have enjoyed a great weekend of revival services, wonderful meals and encouraging fellowship. Tonight, Monday is the Thanksgiving Fellowship Meeting here at Junction Hill and we are looking forward to the service. Come see us if you can.

Thank you for reading today.
