Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Plans and Prayer

Monday night was Thanksgiving Fellowship Service at Junction Hill and the last night of revival. The Lord blessed us all in a great way and we are thankful for it. It was wonderful to see so many friends and to experience a visitation from the Lord.

We will try to put up pictures of the last few services later in the week, probably on Friday.

We are planning to travel today IF the weather does not prevent it. There has been some severe weather predicted in our path and we want to make sure we are clear of that before we depart. By God's grace, we will be making our way toward Tennessee and our flights to Africa.

I would love for you to pray for my Dad, Eugene Boggs today and the next few days. 

Dad will be having a surgical procedure late this morning and we are asking the Lord to help him through it. God is able to guide the process and quicken his recovery. Thank you for taking time to pray for my parents. I know that they are in God's hands and I also know that is the safest place for them to be.

Thank you for checking in today.
