Thursday, November 30, 2023

Posting Plan The Next Two Weeks

Real time update: KJo and I made it to Nigeria Wednesday. Our plane landed early at 3:35 AM Eastern Time which was 9:35 in Nigeria. It took us about two hours to exit the plane and work our way through customs, immigration and baggage claim. Two hours after that, our friends were depositing us in the hotel.

This is our posting plan for the next two weeks.

I am writing this while still in the States. By the time you read this, we should be preaching the first services of the Minister's Conference in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria, West Africa. I am supposed to preach three times on Thursday and seven times in our first 72 hours in Abeokuta.

That pretty much sets the course for the whole trip and we are fine with that. We might as well stay busy while we are there. In a few days, we will be home and I will be wishing I was back in Nigeria.

I have no idea if I will have time to post each day or any internet to post at all. Some years we have passable internet, some years we have none at all. It may be that I can not post. If that is the case, then Odie will take over as much as she can.

IF I do have internet, then I may post more than once a day. When you read each day for the next two weeks, check to see if there have been previous posts that day. The posts could show up at any time because Nigeria time is six hours ahead of Eastern Time in the USA.

Thank you for checking in and thank you for praying for us. We need and desire God's help.
