Look at this beautiful new church in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria!
I have great news about the church where we preached in Abeikuta late last year!
They needed a bigger sanctuary and this is what the new one looked like the night we were there in December.
We had a wonderful service that night and my heart was refreshed and encouraged. I left there that night with determination to help them complete the church.
I was delayed a while with a detour through the ER, hospital and rehab, but in early February I found out what they needed. I eventually sent the amount they said was needed for completion.
I posted these pictures on March 1 of the day they were putting in the concrete floor.
I am happy in my heart to tell you the construction is finished and I received pictures yesterday to prove it! Hallelujah! Most of the finance came from our missions budget but we did receive some direct help toward the expense. Thank you very much!
Wow! This is beautiful!
Bro. Shobanke wants me to travel to Nigeria at my convenience to dedicate the new church building. If I had to go next week, I could not do it due to the hardship of travel for me. But we are fervently praying that I will be strong enough to travel to Nigeria at some point this year. That would be a mighty victory.
Having this building finished so soon is a mighty victory in itself. Praise God! I m so happy to see it!
We are also helping to build a new building at GoodNews School in Abeokuta and they need some miracles concerning that. I will try to bring you up tp date on that project next week.
Thank you for reading today.