Saturday, May 11, 2024

Happy Mother's Day 2024

Hey Friend,

This Is Odie checking in for my weekly post. I hope you are doing well today! When I was looking ahead and planning out some blog content. The calendar gave me a fantastic topic for today. 

Public Service Announcement

Tomorrow, May 12th, is Mother's Day in the United States of America. Moms deserve special treatment and love, so show the extraordinary ladies in your life some appreciation!

Happy Mother's Day to each lady reading this post! You are special to me. Thank you to many of you for your friendship to me and our family! 

I am so thankful for the many wonderful ladies in my life! God has blessed me abundantly with a Mother, grandmother, aunts and dear friends. I do not take them for granite.

Each of them has taken time from their lives to make sure mine is awesome! They are each counted among my many blessings! May God bless them abundantly for their love, help, friendship and kindness to me!

Happy Mother's Day, Kelly Jo Boggs

My dear Mama is the star that shines the brightest of all! I have often said she's a superhero, and this year is no exception! Mom is devoted, caring, loving and selfless. I have described her as the energizer bunny who never stops. 

From morning to night, Mom is on the go, always helping and doing for those she loves! Dad and I would not be who we are without our hero!

Thank you can not convey my gratitude adequately. I love you feels so hollow when talking about my Mom. I try in little ways daily to show her how much she is appreciated! On Mother's Day, I like to tell her even more. 

She does not like to be in the spotlight. Mom is more content in the background, but I want the world to know my awesome Mom, Kelly Jo Boggs. 

Happy Mother's Day! I love you so much! My eyes are leaking on my desk as I type. You are an astounding lady! I am privileged to have you as my Mother! 

God knew just what I needed when He picked you out for me! He gave me a tender Mama, nurse, teacher, guide, counselor and friend all in one person. You are a beautiful package! Thank you for being awesome in each capacity of your job! 

I hope you know you are loved, honored and appreciated today more than ever! May God bless you with rest, strength and everything you need!

I still want to be like you when I grow up.😘😇 I am proud to be your daughter!

Thanks for joining me as I honor my Mama. See you all next week.