Thursday, May 16, 2024

A Small Detour

We took a small detour on the way home from London, Kentucky on Monday. Our cousin, George Boggs and his wife Diana from Grayson Kentucky, invited us to stop by and see them at a camp meeting they were attending at Scioto county fairground in Lucasville, Ohio. 

They have attended this camp meeting for several years and they had their 5th wheel there. We arrived in the early afternoon and visited with them and some of their friends all afternoon. It was a beautiful visit with our family and we enjoyed it very much.

We do not get to see George and his family enough, so this was a very welcome opportunity. I appreciate them inviting us and welcoming us with open arms Monday.

Karen Peck and new River were singing at the camp meeting and we enjoyed that as well. I know that Odie will have more pictures at some point, but here are a few from the afternoon and evening.


We left a few minutes after the conclusion of the service and we were home about 11 PM. It was not a bad little detour and the benefit of getting to spend a few hours with George and Diana Boggs was worth every mile.

Thank you for stopping in today. May God bless you.
