Monday, May 20, 2024

The Weekend Dispatch May 20, 2024

Friday Kelly‘s mom and dad came to visit for a while. Of course we enjoyed them being here long with a little mandatory guitar picking.

Then began another weekend spent away from home with dear friends that we love to see. 

Saturday morning KJo and I traveled in the Jeep to Evansville, Indiana. The drive was about 4 hours. We met Pastor John and sister Debbie Eaton at Full Gospel Mission and help them adjust their sound system. we really enjoyed our visit with them before going to the hotel.

Later in the evening Bro and Sis Eaton and Pastor Brad and Sis Tammy Nolan came to the hotel and visited with us for a couple hours. We had a great fellowship with our friends that we had not seen for about a year. Our last revival here was in early May 2023. 

Sunday morning we had a very good service at Full Gospel Mission. We love preaching here because they love to hear preaching. Sunday morning was no different than the response in the altar was beautiful. 

Sunday afternoon Bro and Sis Eaton brought their lunch to the hotel and we enjoyed more great fellowship while they ate. 

Later in the evening we drove about 30 minutes to Mount Vernon, Indiana to preach at Faith Fellowship for Pastor Brad Nolan. Bro Brad and sSis Tammy have also been our friends for years going back to when they worked under Bro Eaton Full Gospel Mission. 

They also had a great service there and we loved watching the Lord touch people in the altar service. One of brother and sister Nolan‘s granddaughters was kind enough to get a few pictures with my phone.

That pretty much wrapped up our weekend. Now we will head back toward Ohio and try to get rested up. thank you for stopping in today.
