Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Happy Birthday, Eugene Boggs

My Dad’s name is Eugene Boggs and today he turns 81 years old. My Dad being 81 years old is an absolute miracle! Praise God!

This picture of Dad and Mom was taken at Odie’s house only a few days ago. 

Happy Birthday, Dad. We love you and it is a joy to still have you in our lives. We expect you to stay around as long as possible. 

The final two pictures of this Mile Marker were taken yesterday. 

Boggs people in our branch do not regularly live long lives. All of Dad’s siblings but a younger sister are already gone as well as a lot of his first cousins. Dad is setting records each day he lives and we are extremely thankful for it. 

We love you Papa Bear and we hope to see you soon. 

Thank you dear friends for dropping by today. 


Coming Wednesday