Thursday, June 6, 2024

Praising God For Good News

We are praising God for good news. You helped us pray about this so we want you to be aware of the result of your prayer

We want to share this good news far and wide. In fact, I want to shout it from the rooftop. Bro Ricky and Sis Tanya Boler received word earlier this week that the lymph nodes tested negative for cancer and all seems clear.

We are praising God for helping our friends to this point. Our God is great and greatly to be praised. We are building on a firm foundation and we can trust our Lord with our lives.
How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,
Is laid for your faith in His excellent word!
What more can He say than to you He hath said,
To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled?
Thank you for praying for our friend on our behalf. We appreciate it very much. May God bless you for it. 

Thank you for reading today.
