Friday, June 7, 2024

A Prayer For My Friend On His Missionary Adventure

I do not think I have mentioned in this space that Bro Jimmie Radcliffe is undertaking a grand mission adventure this summer. He has been looking at this opportunity for a while and the time is finally come.

After many hours of airports and airplanes he landed in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Bro Jimmie will be working with Dave Roever’s organization for two months teaching summer school.

He has been working with young people from troubled backgrounds in Oklahoma for years and this is an opportunity to extend that reach. We are so happy for him and thankful that he made it there safely.

He sent us the tracking information on his plane. As it neared its final destinations, I felt my heart going with him. This man has poured so much into helping us do what God has called us to do, I would love to be there and see the results of his work. 

Traveling halfway around the world for an opportunity to minister to God‘s creation is a huge challenge, but Bro Jimmie, with his big heart, is up to the challenge.

Please join us in praying for Bro Jimmie Radcliffe this summer. I will try to give you an update or two over the next two months.

May God bless Bro Jimmie Radcliffe for his faithfulness and his willingness to make a difference in the kingdom of God and in lives wherever he finds them. 

Thank you for stopping in today.
