Monday, June 24, 2024

The Weekend Dispatch 6/24/24

This weekend was wonderful with family, friends and church. First Kelly’s mom dad came for an afternoon visit and we enjoyed it tremendously.

The rest of the afternoon was spent in final preparation for our first live revival service of our Summer Revival Series. There was a lot of work going into getting ready, but we enjoyed it very much.

We received this picture from my niece Deidre. She captured my brother holding Chloe Jean while she is watching the revival service. That made me smile broadly. 

Saturday we received a welcome visit fro our old friend David Riddell. David and I go back 42 years this summer. We spent a bunch of years in close proximity with David and it was so nice to see him. 

David has faced some serious health challenges recently. The Lord has helped Him but he has a ways to go. Please pray for David. 

I mentioned we were considering going to a local church that night and David jumped on board. KJo and I met David and his mother at church and enjoyed seeing people we had not seen in years. 

Pastor Danny Lamb and his church have been faithful to pray for us this year and regularly encourage us. We had been looking for an opportunity to visit them and say thank you. It was a wonderful night. 

Sunday we were up and at it early and drove about an hour to West Harrison, Indiana to preach for our dear friend Pastor Wade Hicks and the West Harrison Pentecostal church. We had a lovely service and a great response during the preaching. 

I was very tired after church, but I consented to go watch them eat at a Mexican place in town. I determined to eat just a very few bites of some soft refried beans, cheese sauce and chorizo. Unfortunately, I got choked up really bad. 

That sent me backward with public eating, but really, I knew better with the way I was feeling. When I am dragging, I need to control my ambition and slow down. I reckon it is a learning process for me. 

Odie got some great pictures at church for you.

Thank you very much for stopping in today. We have A Word for Wednesday planned for you and also a live revival service Friday night at 8 PM Eastern.



Friday Night