Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Introducing Carson Lee Shoemaker

Hey Friends,

This is Odie; thanks for stopping by to visit today. It is always great to see our friends here each day. If you are a new friend, welcome! I hope you enjoy the blog and make this a regular stop.

Carson Lee Shoemaker
Today, I get to talk about one of my favorite topics, my family. Our newest  Boggs family member is 2 weeks old today. This is the newest grandchild of Uncle Steve and Aunt Karen Boggs. He was born on their anniversary this year.

Carson Lee Shoemaker arrived on June 25th. He weighed 7 lbs, 2oz and 19in, as he made his earthly debut. 

His birth was 4 weeks before his original due date. Carson had to go to the NICU to get a little help with breathing. 


Thank God for hearing and answering all the prayers for baby Carson! After a few days, he could breathe fully on his own! 

He spent a few more days in the NICU learning to eat and grow. 

Saturday was a big day in Carson's life. He got to go home!

Deidre and Ben were ready to bring their newest addition home! 

Now, they can start navigating life as a family of 5.

I know this Mama was thrilled to have all 3 of her babies together!

Big brother, Charlie and big sister and Chole Jean were past ready to meet their baby brother!

It makes me happy to see Carson loved by his Bubby and Sissy. Charlie is so excited to be a big brother again.

Chloe Jean is now a big sister. She loves her "Carsey," and I am confident she will be a little Mama to him.

Congratulations to the Shoemakers! We love your family of 5 and could not be happier for you all! 

This baby has already weaved his way deep into my heart. Yesterday, I had my first Facetime call with the little man. Now, I anxiously await the day I can see and hold him. I can not wait to love on him!

Carson is a precious gift from God to the Shoemaker family and an excellent addition to our Boggs family! Thanks to Deidre and Ben for allowing me to introduce their handsome boy to my friends!

Thanks for reading.
