Saturday, August 3, 2024

Happy Birthday Papaw Danny And The Isaacs July 2024

 Hey Friends,

This is Odie coming to you for another Saturday post. It is great to visit with you today. I hope all of you are doing well today.

Happy Birthday Papaw Danny

August 3rd is the birthday of Mom's Dad. The biggest of all, happy birthdays to my Papaw Danny!

We are so blessed to have this excellent man in our lives! Papaw is a fantastic person!

Once again, happy birthday! We love you so very much, and I hope you feel extra loved today. I could not let this day go by without celebrating you, at least a little bit!

The Isaacs July 2024

Recently, Mom and I decided to take a road trip at the last minute. We drove to Grayson, Kentucky, for the afternoon and evening. The Isaacs were singing at Kentucky Christian University. We were excited to see our family and spend some time with them. Here is a quick picture that I snapped during their soundcheck,

Being in Grayson also allowed us to see some Boggs family members. That was an extra special treat! George and Diana Boggs sat with us. We love our dear cousins!

Also, our cousin Rhonda Oney was there with some of her family. It was great to see her again!

Ready and waiting for concert time.

The KCU president started off the night by greeting the crowd.

The Isaacs then took the stage. They started the night off with Ain't No Grave.

Josh Swift is the Dobro master.

Greg Ritchie is a phenomenal percussionist. He has been special to us for many years, playing drums on all of our studio albums. We love Greg!

My beautiful Aunt Lily! I  love hearing her sing and give her testimony!

It was neat to watch Levi and Becky Bowman, a mother and son, play guitars together.

The one and only Ben Isaacs! He is a man of many talents, and he does all of them exceptionally well!

Sonya Isaacs is an amazing singer, musician and person! I am always left in awe of her! It is an honor to know her!

I always have a great time listening to the music and singing. It never gets old to me! 

The Isaacs' talent improves every time! I do not know how it happens when they are already the best!

Josh Swift has been an excellent addition to the group since 2020. He joins right in on the family antics on and off stage.

Geg Ritchie joined the Isaacs in 2022. He also fits right in with the family! 

They sang Three Bells, honoring a special request from a member of the audience.

Becky did a marvelous job on the Good Shepherd! That is a song from her solo record. I praise God for a miracle every time I see Becky perform! The Lord has helped her recover amazingly from the horrible car wreck in December of 2022. She is a trooper, overcoming the lasting complications from the accident daily!

Levi Bowman sang a song from his upcoming solo project. Levi has always been my buddy, and he is very talented.

The concert was outstanding from beginning to end. I hated to see the night end on the last note of Nothing But Good! I am already checking The Isaacs' schedule for the next time I can see them.

I love my Ben, Sonya and Becky more than I can express. It is always a joy to spend time with them!

They argue over who loves me the most and which one I love more. It has been a long standing discussion. 

I am blessed to have each of them in my corner. They all go out of their way to make me feel loved!

We had to get a couple photos with our Boggs Family before we said goodbye to them! We love George and Diana. They are some of the sweetest people that we know.

Soon, it was time to say our goodbyes for the night. Here is a picture of their bus as we left.

Then we pointed the Jeep toward Waynesville. Thanks to Mom for being my chauffeur! We talked about the exceptional day all the way home. I am so grateful that we got to make this road trip work! We missed Dad being with us!

That wraps up my Isaacs July 2024 recap. Thanks for tagging along. See you next week.