Sunday, January 5, 2025

Sunday Sanity 1/5/2025

Hey Friends,

Welcome to the first Sunday Sanity of 2025. Thank you for joining us on this winter Sunday! 

I hope it is nice and toasty where you are located. The weatherman says ice and snow will be at the beach cottage in Waynesville, OH.

Today’s sanity comes from Pastor Brent Gabbard. Recently, he spoke about the middleman in the story of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. 

Bro. Brent's take on the messenger, who brought the word to Jesus that Lazarus was sick, was something I had never thought about! The messenger was a significant Character in Lazarus’ story! 

Can you imagine? His faith must have been soaring after he talked to Jesus. Then he gets home to the news that Lazarus has passed away. The Master is too late, or so it seems. Now, the messenger must've felt defeat. Oh, if he only knew the story was not over yet!

We know the end of the story for Lazarus! We read of the celebration that happened when the Master raised him from the dead!
we believe it, because it's the Bible. 

In our lives we do not know the end of the story. It is impossible for us to see how our situation is going to turn out. Friend, let me remind you. It is not too late! The Master is on the way! I want to be the middleman that helps get the Master’s attention!

I will leave you today with a quote from Pastor Brent Gabbard. his words encouraged me, and I hope they do the same for you!

A message to intercessors…. 
“Hang onto your promise, even when it doesn’t make sense and circumstances seem to contradict it.”
Pastor Brent Gabbard

Have a great day. See you next time.