Sunday, January 12, 2025

Snowy View And Sunday Sanity 1/12/2025

Hey Friends,

Happy Sunday! I hope you have a fantastic Lord's Day. We have had a snowy week. 

We did not leave the house for several days. By Wednesday, we were able to get out a few times, but then more snow came! I think, we can get out for church today!

Here was the view out our front door on Monday afternoon. This was probably 8-10 inches of snow.

This was our view Friday evening and yesterday after more snow came.

We probably added 2 more inches Friday night.

Uncle Jay came once again and shoveled everything for us. We appreciate his help, so very much!

I will close with today's Sunday Sanity. I recently heard it and instantly knew it would appear here!

"The will of God is not a destination. It is a journey."
Pastor Devin Birdsong- Pod'n Me podcast
