Thursday, January 16, 2025

Happy Birthday Daddy 2025

 Hey Friends,

Thank you for dropping by for a visit! We have been in reflection mode this week. A couple of big days are here this week, back to back. 

January 15th, last year, Daddy came home from the hospital after the stroke. Click here to visit yesterday’s post

January 16th is my Dad’s birthday! Dad did not like a lot of attention on his birthday. He always wanted to make a big deal about mine or Mom’s, but not his! A blog post is just about all I could get by doing for him.

He does not get a choice this year! We are spending today honoring the great man I got to call Daddy!

Mom and I sat down and reflected on Dad’s last days on earth. He taught us to love God and His greatness always! Dad’s love for his Great God was evident until the end. 

Also, we included Dad singing If You Could See Me Now. This video was recorded as part of a church service at my house in April of 2020. We also played it at Dad’s celebration of life. Some people have requested to hear the song again. I figured his birthday was a great day to share it again.

I will close with a note for my Daddy. See you tomorrow. 

Happy birthday, Daddy! I love you, “More than a hog loves slop”! You will forever be my superhero! 

This is the first time in my lifetime that I could not celebrate your birthday with you in person. Over the years we have celebrated your birthday in a myriad of states and ways! You may not physically be here, but we are still marking this extra special date on the calendar. 

In a while we will enjoy a delicious dinner with several family members in your honor! I know there will be tears, laughter and lots of memories! I so wish you could be here with us! You are always dearly missed!

 Love Your Baby Girl, Odie!