Hey Friends,
Thanks for stopping by to visit with us. Here is an email that was sent to us last week. Bro. Matthew Erinola granted us permission to share this publicly.
Pastor Mathew is of our precious friends from Nigeria. He interpreted many sermons for Dad on the trips to Nigeria.
I will let Pastor Mathew finish this post. See you all later.
“Good day to you sister Kelly and compliment of the season. Once again, I commiserate and express my heartfelt condolence to you on the passing on of your husband very lately.
It's as if he were still with us. I looked forward to hearing him preach and teach, for his messages were clear, simple, sincere, yet very powerful and touching.
Oh how I missed him! Your husband was a rare gift to the Body. But he left the stage too soon. Yet we can't question God. He knows best and I very much believe He’s prepared the best for you and Odie, even before he was taken to glory. Therefore take heart. He'll take care of you both.
He ( and of course all of you in the Boggs family ministry) have a heart like that of Jesus. Jesus ministry wasn't limited to preaching and teaching, He was healing and feeding multitudes altogether. And that's the pattern you were showing each time you came to Nigeria.
I personally know how many needy in the church I reached on your behalf last time you came in NOV/DECEMBER 2023. I'm an all time beneficiary of your kind gestures.
The God of all comfort who is also the father of mercies (2Cor 1:3-4) will comfort you on all fronts. God will give you a better, brighter and a bigger tomorrow. You will laugh in a large place and forget all your sorrows in the name of Jesus.
You are still in our hearts. We are praying for you. Blessings.”
Matthew Erinola.