I love this picture from Tuesday night.

It is hard to believe that tent revival is over already in Richton, Mississippi. In fact, tonight marks the last night of tent revival for us in the USA for 2013. We have one more tent revival with Bro. Larry Landress and Holiness In Mexico in December. It has been a great year of tent revivals.
It has been a really great week in Richton with Pastor Scott Morris, his family, his church, other local churches and the community. I believe there was at least one seeking salvation in the altar every night. God has blessed in a tremendous way and we are already looking forward to doing it again sometime.
These folks always work hard and tonight the chairs, lights, banners and all the rest were taken down and packed away in a jiffy. All that remains to do is taking down the tent and packing it away. We plan to do that tomorrow about 1:00 PM. It should be dry by then.
I will let the pictures tell the rest of the story.
Pastor Scott and Sis. Kim Morris
Bro. Scott worked up a thirst!