Wednesday, November 29, 2017

God's Love In Action

There is a picture from Amazing Grace Church in Atwater that I have been meaning to show you since we were there a couple of weeks ago. This picture is of Benji Burris and eight of the children that have been adopted by various families in the church. 

Eight children adopted by families in one small church. That is amazing! That is a church that is putting their money where there mouth is and practicing what we preach as Christians.

We say that life is valuable. We say that children are a blessing from the Lord. We say that every child is a treasure. We say that every child is a wanted child even if the mother and father of that child is without natural affection. We know that God loves the little children and commands us to do the same.

We believe the principle but these families grow legs on that principle and put it into action!

Taking in a child that is alone in this world is the ultimate demonstration that a family believes all the statements in the paragraphs above and they are willing to prove it. Wow!

A few families in one church have made a difference in at least eight precious live and they are not near done yet! I salute these great friends for doing what it takes to be a transforming influence in the life of a child. 

They have opened their hearts and opened their homes. In doing so they have saved lives and inspired a bunch of folks that are watching, including us!

One more picture today. This is Bro. Benji, Sis. Laura and Blake. 

They added Blake into their family of five several years ago and he is a fine young man that loves God and God's people passionately. He is cheerful and polite. The impact on his young life by this Christian family can not be calculated. May God bless them all.

Thank you for reading today.
