Today, May 23, 2024 our Ali Elizabeth would have celebrated her 37th birthday. In some ways it seems like 100 years and another ways it feels like last week.
37 years ago today, in the evening, our second daughter, Ali Elizabeth Boggs was born. Kelly Jo had spent most of six weeks in the hospital trying to prevent Ali from being born, but on May 23rd she was born.
We were blessed to hold her and love on her for a few hours and receive her love in return. In the early hours of the next day, as we were holding her, she slipped into eternity.
My mother, Martha Boggs arranged the flowers for Ali’s gravestone. They are beautiful.
Yesterday while the sun was shining we visited the Miami cemetery in Corwin, Ohio and admired the beautiful work that my cousin Debbie Northern and her husband Sonny completed. They cleaned the gravestones of our family, mulched and no telling what else. Everything looked fabulous.
We sat a while admiring the beautiful day. We cried a bit, laughed a little, contemplated the past and what might have been. At some point, we wiped our tears and held each other close as we walked back to the green machine and returned to the only life we know. Someday we will know life as our love ones know it and we will be eternally joyful.
We plan to be gone on memorial day so it was nice to visit the cemetery Wednesday. We drove through areas where literally hundreds of our relatives are buried. The people who care for the cemetery have it looking clean and gorgeous.

Thank you for joining us today.