Thursday, September 10, 2015

City Reach Wichita In Pictures Monday - Wednesday

It is hard to believe but we are half way through City Reach Wichita. We have had four great nights and we are anticipating four more nights greater than we can imagine. God is drawing men and women to the tent day and night and is saving them as they come to him through Christ the Son of God. Hallelujah!

I can not explain the excitement as people come to church each night. They are excited to worship. They are excited to sing. They are excited to hear the City Reach Combined Choir sing. They are excited to hear the preaching. They are excited to respond to the altar. They are excited to help others pray in the altar. They are excited about the prayer line at the end.

It really is incredible. Praise God for meeting with us in Wichita!

Below we have pictures from the last three nights. The lighting under the tent is never conducive to good pictures but I hope they give you a feel for what is going on.

God bless you and thank you for reading.


Sunrise at the tent



Wednesday, September 9, 2015

God Is Moving in Lives

As is usually the case the tent takes up most of my time while it is in the air leaving little time to sit down and write. That is the reason for the missing blog this morning. I appreciate all our morning readers checking on us to make sure we are OK.

The tent is especially time consuming this week partially because of the great location we are set up in and partially because it seems God is drawing folks to the tent day and night. Several folks have prayed for salvation under and around the tent during the day and many more have come asking for prayer. That is awesome and we are very thankful God is moving. 

Some of the church folks are helping man the tent during the day and that is a huge help. Yesterday Sis. Mary from Bethany and my wife prayed with a young man that wanted to be saved. He was in service last night and was in the altar seeking God. 

Having Bro. Jimmie Radcliffe here is a tremendous help as well in many areas. This morning about 7:00 he was watching the tent and led a lady to Christ that desperately needed to be delivered. See what I mean? And this is just a small sample of folks that God is drawing. Praise God for his help!

Tomorrow I will try to post pictures from Monday through tonight. Thanks for reading and thanks for praying for City Reach Wichita!
