Saturday, March 17, 2018

A Visit From Flat Stanley

Hey Friends, 

This is Odie checking in from the road. The BoggsMobile is Dothan, Alabama bound. We are looking forward to being with Pastor Dewayne Watson and our friends at Mt. Sinai. 

It was so good to be home in Ohio for several days. Check the post from this week to see the things that have been accomplished at the house that is being built for me to live in. It is exciting times at  The Lazy OD Ranch. I am thrilled that the house is almost completed. 

Have you ever heard of Flat Stanley? The book Flat Stanley was written by Jeff Brown and was first published in 1964. It has been published several times with some variations to the story. You can read more about it here.

I first read a story about Stanley when I was a little girl and I loved the story then. I have never forgotten it. 

Here is a shortened version of the story. Stanley Lambchop lived with his parents and brother, Arthur. Stanley and Arthur shared a bedroom and their father gave them a bulletin board for their room. They hung the board above Stanley’s bed and displayed their pictures and posters. One morning when they awoke the board had fallen on top of Stanley and flattened him. He was as flat as a pancake. 

Stanley adjusted to his new life of being flat. He was able to do several cool things because of his flattened state. He even went to visit friends in California through the mail because he could fit in an envelope.  He helped catch thieves because he could hide easily. At the end of the story his brother pumped him up with a bicycle pump to make him big again. 

My little buddy Drew Nicholson from Richton, Mississippi, learned about Stanley with his first-grade class. Drew sent his Flat Stanley to visit me and go some of the places I go for a few weeks. 

I think Stanley had a good time with me and my family. We have lots of pictures from some of our adventures in Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi. Today I am letting you in on the fun. I hope you enjoy.

Here is Flat Stanley in Livingston, Texas playing piano and singing. 

Hanging out with me before church. 

He found a place to ride in my wheelchair pocket.

I knew that some of my friends would want to meet Flat Stanley. Here he is meeting new friends Scarlet and Presley. 

In Baton Rouge, Louisiana he was keeping germs away. Stanley did not want the flu. 

He loved the delicious Mexican food in Baton Rouge. Look at that smile. 

He visited Hattiesburg, Mississippi with me and Deidre. 

He enjoyed a latte from Starbucks. 

He had some Hobby Lobby fun. 

Flat Stanley has no fear. He even went swimming with the sharks. 

He literally shopped 'till he dropped! 

He is Chic-fil-A fan. 

He loved the plagrownd!

Here he is in Ellisville, Mississippi with Rylee and Kim Morris.

And eating reen eggs and ham, Sam I am. 

He joined the Cat in the hat club and met new friends at the school. 

Ethan Morris took him all around First Assembly. 

Then it was time for Stanley to return home to Drew Nicholson. Thanks, Drew, for sending Stanley on a road trip. I think he made memories that will last a life time.

Did you read the Flat Stanley book as a kid? Thank you for stopping by to visit today. I hope you have a good weekend. 


Friday, March 16, 2018

Hopefully Rolling Tonight

There are several things on the agenda that need to be done before we pull out of the Lazy OD Ranch but our intention is to be rolling Friday night if at all possible. I have three categories of things to do. 

1. Things that must be done before we leave.
2. Things that need to be done before we leave.
3. Things I would like to get done before we leave.

It will be interesting to me how far passed category #1 I can manage to navigate.

I am typing this very late Thursday night. It was another long, productive and blessed day but all my "extra" time evaporated. We have an early morning ahead and much to do so you only get a few pictures today.

The flooring in the house for Odie is installed. We have a lot of pick up and clean up to do on the floor today among a list of other things.

I did not talk to the septic guys before they left Thursday but it looks like they are ready for inspection!

We also had a great service at Dryden Rd. We enjoyed singing with the Deanes, really enjoyed listening to them sing and then we were blessed tremendously by Pastor Phillip Deane's preaching. It was a wonderful night.

That is all I have time for tonight. I will fill in the details later. Thanks for reading today.


Thursday, March 15, 2018

Gaining Momentum

Our days this week have been packed with house activity so my time for posting much at all each morning is limited. Kelly and I have not been working every moment of the day but we have been staying busy. We are trying to do whatever we can do to help the Deane flooring gurus with the small stuff and answer any questions the septic guys have.

Both projects are going well and nearing completion. Hopefully by this evening the floor will be finished and the septic will be ready for inspection. IF I can, I will do a post tomorrow with more details and lots of pictures.

I told you this week would be fun. Even though we are putting in very long days, we are having the time of our lives. We are singing, working, laughing, eating and then laughing some more.

We have been to Acapulco a time or two and this was Tuesday's visit.

The meal was fabulous. It was as good as it has ever been. The portions were huge too! I think they were showing off for our guests and that is fine by me!

This is Odie in the kitchen/dining area of the house and the living area behind her. We think the flooring looks great! What do you think?

We are anxious to show you more pictures of it!

The septic tank has been set and the lateral lines have been dug. They only have a few more things to do on the septic.

It has been bitterly cold at night and very cold during the day at times. When they were setting the tank in place in the picture above the wind was blowing and it was frigid. That was the norm for the day.

We did have a few small spots of sunshine like the picture below. They were definitely the bright spots in the day but they were fleeting.

We have another full day planned today and then we are taking the Deane crew to church at Dryden Rd. with us tonight. It should be a great day.

That is all for today. Thank you for joining us.


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Vintage View Vednesday Miami, Oklahoma 2010

Today's Vintage View comes from our first revival at Faith Pentecostal in Miami, Oklahoma in January 2010. We have preached other revivals for them since then including two tent revivals. We love these folks and we will always remember our first visit there fondly.

It ended well but it did not begin well. We arrived on Saturday evening with the real temperature just above zero and so much snow on the ground that I could not get the bus in the parking lot. I unhooked the jeep and Kelly Jo followed me into town to the small campground.

As we were going into town the belt on Mr. Cheap Jeep started screaming and the alternator locked up and ruined the serpentine belt in the process. It was way too cold for that!

It was dark as I removed the alternator with KJ holding the light. I paid some folks at the campground to take me to the parts store to get the alternator and then they brought me back. Something was incorrect about the alternator and I had to pay them again to take me to the parts store. 

We were about frozen by the time I finished the alternator and the serpentine belt only to discover the tension pulley was bad too! I gave up!

We were supposed to preach Sunday morning at a church about an hour away. Pastor Stephens from Miami insisted I take his truck and I did, reluctantly. We had a great service, but I had a blow out on this truck on the way back. I changed the tire on the side of the turnpike in zero weather, in my suit and tie after I had dug the jack from beneath a bed full of snow and ice.

There is more to the story but it does end better. We made it to the church in Miami as church was beginning. It was our first time there, we were stressed from the last 24 hours and we had no time to set up our equipment.

I started singing "He's An On Time God" and the Lord's presence came into the church! The service "blew up" and the rest is history!! We could not have hand a better introductory service with our new friends

It was a horrible weekend with an awesome ending followed by a wonderful revival!

Today I have some pictures of the church folks and a lot of friends that came to visit. I hope you enjoy.


Pastor Mike and Sis. Ruth Stephens

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

An Excellent Monday

Monday was another excellent day with progress on the house, visiting with family and wonderful friends coming from far and near. It seems that we crammed two days of activities into one day.

I suppose I should get right to it and the best way to start would be salsa!

Kelly Jo's parents came over in the early afternoon and we "had" to take them to Acapulco! You do not think they drove over an hour only to see us do you?

The salsa and the food was good as usual. I sure hope I get a chance to go back again soon.

The day started with work on the house. Kelly Jo worked, my Dad worked and I worked. I am happy with all the things that are getting completed.

About noon I went to Home Depot to finalized the order for the counter tops and pay the bill. The contractor should be out to check my measurements and get the ball rolling later this week.

Then I met Kelly Jo, Odie and KJ's parents for the late lunch at Acapulco that I already mentioned. We sure appreciate Danny and Betty coming up to spend some time with us.

Later in the day, my brother Steve dropped by and then Pastor Phillip Deane, Pastor Eddie Deane and Eddie's son Bro. Jordon Deane arrived to begin the installation of the flooring for the house. It is great to host these dear friends for a few days. They are a laugh a minute and good at what they do too!

After more great fellowship over a meal and trip to Home Depot, we went back to the house and the Deane's went to work.

Well, not straight to work.😀

Then we had another tremendous treat Monday night. Sis. Renae, Jacqueline and Albany came to visit us. Wow! What a night. Seeing these precious friends capped off a wonderful day like ice cream in 100 degree weather!

Thank you all for coming to see us! You really made our day complete.

The Deane team worked a lot and then played some music and sang some songs. This is going to be a great week!

The slab did not turn out so well so there is a bunch of leveling to be done.

We are excited about the progress! We will try to post more pictures of the floor later in the week. Thank you for stopping in.
