I hope I am not over loading you all with pictures. We have plenty more today.
Sunday morning started early and dreary. We left our hotel in Secaucus a little before 7:00 AM. We wanted to attend the 9:00 AM service at Brooklyn Tabernacle and we were not sure how long it would take us. I figured the traffic would be light on Sunday morning and I was right. The rain slowed things down some but we made it across the river, through Manhattan and to Brooklyn in about 30 minutes.
Going under the Hudson River in the Holland Tunnel.
We drove right through Chinatown.
The Manhattan Bridge
The Brroklyn Bridge from the Manhattan Bridge.
The Brooklyn Tabernacle is in a beautiful old theater and it was full at the 9:00 service.

The church was nearly empty we we walked in. There were only a couple hundred people sitting around.
Gathering in.
They do not allow pictures during the service so no pictures.
The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir sang and they were great as usual. All of the music and singing was excellent. Associate Pastor Tim Dilena preached and he did great too. A church that size has to run like a well oiled machine and it does but they retain a personal touch as well. We really enjoyed it.
By the time we were ready to leave it was only 30 minutes until the next service. We considered staying but we wanted to attend a service at Times Square Church.
We parked the Green Machine less than a block away in a lot that gives discounts if the ticket is validated at the church. The lots that offer discounts are listed on the church's website. It was $7, a great deal in Brooklyn.
Edison Parking
160 Livingston St.

They put the Green Machine on the shelf and away we went.
We crossed the East River from Manhattan to Brooklyn on the Manhattan Bridge. Going back to Manhattan we went across the Brooklyn Bridge. There's a lot of history in those bridges.
Soon we were in Times Square walking toward a highly recommended Italian restaurant called Carmine's.
There were lots of people along Broadway and in Times Square but it was not bad at all.
Carmine's was every bit as good as we expected.
They serve food family style and Sundays they have a four pasta special. Wow! It was good!
Unbelievably it was more than we could eat and cost less than all three of us ordering an entree at Olive Garden. Not bad for New York City.
We got to Carmine's just in time. The crowd really poured in while we we there. We were finished in plent of time to walk back to Times Square Church for the 3:00 service.
We had parked very close to the church. Their website lists the parking garages that offer discounted parking when attending the services at Times Square Church and this was one of them. http://www.tscnyc.org/visit-us/
We were parked there about 5 hours and it should have been $45. With our card validated at the church the total cost was $2 plus tip. That is a deal any where but in NYC that is phenomenal.
The church is located at 237 West 52nd St and the parking garage we used is in the next block east. It is the garage for the Manhattan Times Square Hotel. You can enter on 51st or 52nd between Broadway and 7th.
The church is in an old Broadway Theater and it is an amazing building. It was packed for the 3:00 service.
The entrance to the church.
The Founder of the Times Square Church was David Wilkerson. His book The Cross and the Switchblade had a real impact in my life as a young man. It started a fire in my heart to win souls and it is a desire that still burns today. Although Pastor Wilkerson has been dead for about 3 years it was important for me to visit his church while I was so close. I am glad I did.
After we drove north from Times Square to the upper west side and then through Central Park to the upper east side. It was a nice drive and we saw some neat sights. We went back under the Hudson River through the Lincoln Tunnel to our Hotel.
We had a nice short visit to New York City and early Monday we headed toward Boston and our dear friend Esther Richards. We had a great visit Monday evening and we plan to spend more time with her today and tomorrow. We already have lots of pictures to post.
Thanks for reading.